Every WordGo Guide can help others to study the Bible, by explaining the four-fold approach to WordGo Group Members. In this training, James explains the five activities both Guides and Members will experience in the study.
What element of the study are you most looking forward to?
How can you help your Group Members to get the most out of the app?
Will you encourage your group to listen to the WordGo Podcast before or after the weekly gathering?
When it comes to studying the Bible, many of us struggle. It can be difficult to know where to begin, and how to keep going. That’s why we’ve created WordGo!
WordGo can help you establish a healthy, sustainable lifestyle of intimacy with God through direct engagement with the text of the Bible.
As a Guide, you have an opportunity to help others find this daily rhythm of reading the Scriptures. Through the app, along with a little encouragement from you and the other Group Members, you could play a pivotal role in someone’s first steps towards developing a lifelong habit of Bible study.
So how does it work? Here’s what both Guides & Members will do
1. Set up Your Daily Plan.
You decide how much time you can afford. You’ll be guided through this process, when you open the Study section of the app for the first time.
Simply select an amount and a time that fits with your schedule. Each day, you will receive a notification that will prompt you to get started. We’ve created options that will deliver the right amount of content, based on your personal choice.
The aim is that this will make it possible for you and your members to get started, without feeling overwhelmed by the amount of content. As a Guide, your role is to encourage the members in whatever choice they’ve made. It’s worth talking about this at your first gathering.
2. Read the Bible and use some In-App Questions
Once you’ve set up your study plan, it’s time to dive in! In the app, you will see a week of content broken up into individual days; you can swipe the tiles left to see what’s coming next! Once you tap on the ‘start lesson’ button, you will move straight into the content.
We encourage you to begin with reading the Bible passage for that day. This means that, regardless of your chosen plan, you will always have enough time to read the passage.
After reading the passage, you can tap on the ‘Questions’ tab. These will help you reflect on what you are learning, to consider what God is doing in your life, and to dig deeper into the Bible passage.
When you fill in your responses, they’ll be stored securely (no one else can see them!), but they will be easily accessible for you to refer to when it comes to the group discussion time.
3. Listen to the Podcast.
Each week you will have access to the WordGo Podcast; it’s available both in the app and the usual places you find podcasts. The podcast contains teaching on the passage for that week, and provides some questions at the end that will help with life application.
It’s probably a good idea to decide as a group if you will listen to the teaching podcast before or after you meet. We’ve found that listening beforehand can help with understanding of the passage and encourage freer and deeper discussion times. You can discuss this during your first gathering.
It’s good also to remind your group members to read the passage and consider the questions before listening to the podcast.
4. Gather with Your WordGo Group for Discussion and Encouragement.
Each week, you will gather as a group to discuss what you’ve been learning.
This is a great time to share what you have learned throughout the week, through reading the passage and answering the questions.
As a Guide, you’ll kick off the discussion each time with an opportunity for the whole group to share any key learning, or other personal questions they have about the study.
You don’t need to feel under pressure to answer any difficult questions; simply acknowledging the query, seeking insight from the group and encouraging them to continue to find out more from the notes and other trusted sources will be a great help.
As you answer questions throughout the week they’ll be stored and easily brought up in the ‘gathering’ view. Encourage your members to prioritise the gathering, as it’ll be of huge benefit to them and others as they share what God is teaching them!
5. Dive Deeper on the Go with Study Notes
In addition to the passage and questions, we’ve included study notes (both written and audio), and a teaching podcast based on the passage you’ve just been studying.
You can encourage your group to go both as deep as they want, and as deep as they can, with their study notes. They are optional, so if your Members have time or have additional questions about themes uncovered in the passage, there will often be additional helpful content in there.
Read the Passage
Answer the Questions
Listen to the Podcast
Discuss with Your Group
And, if you have time, Dive Deeper with Study Notes!
Every WordGo Guide can create an unmissable experience for members by choosing a great venue, providing hospitality and making people feel at home. In this training, Dana describes how you can create an environment that will enhance the group experience.